11 Home Remedies for Oily Skin

Home Remedies for Oily Skin

Oily skin looks full of impurities, with open pores and a glow in the nose, forehead, and chin that looks very unattractive. However, even hard to believe, oily skin has its advantages.

One of the advantages of oily skin is that it stays young longer. Oily skin retains elasticity and resists wrinkles for longer compared to normal skin.

Another advantage is that oily skin is more resistant to the harmful effects of the sun. And the best news is that oily skin is easier to treat than parched skin.

Then I leave several natural recipes to treat the oily complexion. If you notice that one of these recipes will dry your skin, then use it less often or try another.

Home Solutions for Oily Skin

1. Keep skin clean

Keep skin clean

Oily skin attracts dirt and bacteria easily; this is one of the reasons why people with this type of skin are more likely to have acne and blackheads. To keep your skin clean you should wash your face twice a day with warm water and glycerin soap. After washing, give a final rinse with cold water to close the pores.

2. Orange juice to combat oily skin

Orange juice

Take the juice of two oranges every day. In two weeks you will notice your skin with less fat. Also, orange juice contains antioxidants and nutrients that benefit the health of the skin in general.

3. Extra virgin olive oil and cold-pressed

Although it seems a contradiction, olive oil is very good for treating oily skin. Olive oil calms the sebaceous glands so that they produce less fat. You can put the olive oil after washing your face at night. You leave it all night and the next day you wash normally.

4. Astringent egg for oily skin

While toners are recommended for dry skin, astringents are excellent for treating oily skin. Beat an egg white to the point of snow and add a few drops of lemon. Apply on the face and let dry. Wash with cold water. You can repeat it about twice a week.

5. Water of witch hazel (witch hazel, water wonder)

Witch hazel or water wonder is a solution for oily skin as it acts astringent. Mix one part of witch hazel water with two parts of rose water. Apply with cotton to remove grease from the face. You do not need to rinse.

6. Astringent sunflower for oily skin

Another very good astringent for oily skin is to add 1/2 cup of white vinegar and a tablespoon of sunflower oil to 1/2 cup of hot water. Mix well and let cool. Cleanse your skin with this blend.

7. Tomato tonic

A tomato tonic is an easy and effective solution to treat oily skin. The tomato is naturally acidic, so it helps to balance the pH of the skin and get rid of excess fat. Peel the tomatoes and remove the seeds. Crush and add 30 g of glycerin. Apply it on the skin the same day. See also Tomato mask for oily skin

8. Honey and lemon

Lemon is another natural astringent that can help control the production of fat. In a cup put the juice of two lemons and some honey. Apply the mixture at night over the area where you have problems with oily skin, let it act for 15 minutes, and wash your face with warm water. Repeat twice a week.

9. Disposable wipes to remove grease

Many experts recommend disposable wipes sold at pharmacies to remove fat from the face. Personally, I have not used them, and I do not know if they work well or not, but here I leave the link where you can get them on the Internet in case someone wants to try them.

10. Masks and Clays

The application of face masks and clays on the skin helps to extract the oil and clean the pores. But, just like cleansers, masks can also dry out the skin. Dr. Rebecca Kazin, assistant professor of dermatology at Johns Hopkins Medical Institute says “My advice is to only apply masks to problem areas. And use them only from time to time. ”

11. Choose facials without fat

facials without fat

When you buy products for your face, they should be free of fats. Obviously, the purpose of this advice is not to add more fat to the skin. Whether they are moisturizers, sunblock or makeup choose those that have no added fats. When you go shopping for anti-acne treatments, choose water-based instead of cream or ointment.

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