8 Mishaps That Can Affect Your Travel Insurance Claims
Travel Insurance Claims: Imagine that you’ve got your travel insurance from a provider and you’re all ready for that fantastic holiday. But on the trip, something goes wrong and you need to make a claim.
Below, Insurance Go has highlighted some of the most common mishaps that can affect your travel insurance claims, from forgetting receipts to travelling against government advice.
- Failing to Disclose Pre-existing Medical Conditions
If you have a pre-existing medical condition, you must tell your travel insurance provider before you purchase your policy. If you don’t or if you lie about your health, you’ll later find that this can affect the outcome of your claims.
- Make sure that you fully disclose any information about your medical conditions when you obtain a travel insurance quote. This includes any diagnoses as well as any tests you might be taking, results you are waiting on or treatments you are receiving.
If your medical situation changes before you travel, you’ll need to update your provider as well.
- Forgetting Receipts & Documentation
Almost every travel insurance claim you make will require you to submit supporting documentation. This can include things like receipts for proof of ownership, invoices as evidence of payment or police reports for proof of theft or any other incident.
- Phone your travel insurance provider as soon as something goes wrong and find out what documentation you will need for your claim. In general, you should always ask for receipts/invoices for anything you pay for. If something goes wrong, report it to local police and obtain an official police report.
- Leaving Your Bags & Belongings Unattended
As a traveller, it’s easy to suppose that if your bags go missing, you’ll be covered by your travel insurance. In most cases, this is true. But if you leave your bags unattended in a public place or with a stranger, you can actually void your insurance.
- Don’t ever leave your bags alone or unattended when travelling. This includes simply turning your back on them for a moment. Be wary of pickpockets and thieves who might try to distract you in order to snatch your things.
- Motorcycling Without a Helmet or the Right Licence
In many destinations around the world, it can be tempting to hire a motorcycle (or any other type of 2 or 3-wheeled vehicle). But things like forgetting to wear a helmet or failing to have the right driver’s licence can seriously affect your claims.
- Always wear a helmet, even if local laws state it’s not mandatory. It’s vital for your own safety that you protect yourself when riding a motorcycle.
Make sure you check any driver’s licence rules too, such as whether you need an international licence or whether you might need an equivalent Australian motorcycle licence.
- Being Unfamiliar With Sport/Activity Inclusions & Exclusions
Holidays often involve lots of fun activities. These can include things like snorkelling, diving, hiking, cycling or skiing. But it’s crucial to keep in mind that these activities are not always covered unconditionally.
- Read your Product Statement before buying to make sure you understand what conditions or circumstances each sport/activity is covered for. For example, scuba diving incidents may only be covered for up to a certain depth, and bungee jumping might only be covered for a specific number of jumps.
Not Checking Smartraveller.gov.au
Smartraveller is the Australian Government’s official website that details vital travel information for consumers. It offers advice on how risky it is to travel to a certain country or destination. And if you travel to any destination against government advice, it will likely affect any claims you submit.
- Always check smartraveller.gov.au before booking your travel and pay attention to warnings and restrictions. Travelling against government advice isn’t just about travel insurance – it’s about protecting your own safety!
Claiming For Things You’re Not Covered For
Unfortunately, it happens more than you might think. A claim comes back rejected, and all because it was for something not covered in the Product Statement.
- Review your Product Statement closely (both before you purchase and before you claim) and check that what you want to claim is covered in your specific policy. If in doubt, you can always phone your insurer and ask!