Sudden heart Attack


What to do if you have a sudden heart attack

Heart attack. Hearing that, panic arises in my mind. The process of raising awareness about the fear of heart attack has started long ago. Self-CPR (forcibly keeping oneself awake) is sometimes heard on social networks to reduce the risk. But how effective is the matter? Renowned heart surgeon Dr. Kunal Sarkar and interventional cardiologist Dr. Dilip Kumar analyzed. Let’s see what to do if you have a heart attack.

Heart Attack Symptoms

  1. Difficulty breathing
  2. Heavy feeling like putting a stone on the chest
  3. Sweating profusely
  4. Chest pain gradually spreads to hands, shoulders, and jaw
  5. Many may become unconscious

What to do in case of a heart attack-

If such symptoms start, give the patient aspirin or Sorbitrate.

Take to the nearest hospital or nursing home as soon as possible without wasting time.

If the person loses consciousness, cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR should be done first to check his pulse. It is better to have CPR training, otherwise, you have to start artificial respiration by pumping from the top of the chest in a special way.

When the patient is alone at home

When the patient is alone at home

Lie down – Many people say that if you have chest pains and difficulty in breathing, you can avoid a lot of dangers by trying to force phlegm in your hair. But medical science is still in the water. It has been found that in some cases there is some benefit but the pressure on the diaphragm is likely to have the opposite effect. If there is a pain in the chest, it is less painful to lie down. The use of aspirin or Sorbitrate may reduce the risk of complications.

Be careful- most people can’t think that he has any heart disease. Think of the problem of acidity and wait for the antacid. But it leads to complications. Know that our heart pumps a million times every day. A 70-year-old man’s heart has pumped three billion times. We do not have two hearts like eyes, ears, lungs, or kidneys.

Self-medication – Self-medication can be fatal for heart problems. If you have heart problems, you must go to the nearest doctor or hospital and start first aid. It is advisable not to waste time waiting for the famous doctor at this time.

Some important information-

  • Heart disease is about to take the shape of an epidemic in our country due to a lack of comfort and aversion to hard work.
  • Sudden heart attacks are also seen in young people in their thirties.
  • In many cases, the patient’s heart stops forever before reaching the hospital. But with a little care, sudden death can be prevented.
  • In every district and village hospital or small nursing home, it is easy to save a life by taking the patient to the big hospital by taking care of the situation immediately by doing thrombolytic therapy.
  • People who have ischemia or have had bypass surgery once after a heart attack often have recurrent heart failure. In this case, it is possible to save the lives of patients with the help of CRT devices.
  • Whether it is heart disease or diabetes, it is all due to bad habits.

Rules to follow-

  1. Quit smoking
  2. Do some regular exercise or morning or evening walk to keep the weight right
  3. Instead of fast food, eat fresh, home-cooked food, eat fruits
  4. Do not tension unnecessarily
  5. Have some routine tests at least once a year after forty years.
  6. Keep a good mind, stay well.
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